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Religious Education

Taking to Children about Charlottesville

Candles Memorial

Candles Memorial

Dear First Church Families-

We are grieving this week after the heartrending violence in Charlottesville. Once again we find ourselves struggling to comprehend how such things can happen.

Here are three links to websites with suggestions for talking about violence and tragedy with children: some words from Mr. Rogers about limiting TV exposure during tragedy and reminding ourselves and our children that there are always helpers in moments of tragedy working to help as many as they can; and some ways we can continue to lift up justice even as our hearts break.



I hope these links are useful to you.

I invite your family to join me in lighting a candle, saying a prayer, or taking a moment of silence today for the community of Charlottesville, and all those who have been touched by the fear and violence of white supremacist culture.  May we breathe deeply and lean into the love and compassion we each hold within.

In Faith, with Love,

Beryl Aschenberg,
Director of Religious Education

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