Trust is the key ingredient in making church work. We place our faith in each other, our values and this community to collectively nurture spirits, engage minds and inspire action. For a long time now First Church has been a sanctuary; a place where so many people have come to find solace, learn, grow, sing and center love collectively. I often find myself in awe of this legacy of trust. Together we shape lives, support one another and make real the community we all share with the key ingredient of trust.
Planning for my sabbatical, I return to reflecting on this relationship of trust. It is amazing to know in my bones that everyone will continue to support our children and youth in my absence. And I promise to continue to dedicate myself to serving this congregation and return thankful for the gift of rest and renewal.
The first half of my five-month sabbatical will begin on May 20, directly after the RE Sunday service and our First Church Annual Meeting on May 18. My sabbatical time will be divided across two years to ensure the continuity in religious education. I will return on August 1, 2025, a month before the church year calendar begins; Ingathering is September 7, 2025. The month allows time to collaborate on Sunday programming as well as recruit, train and schedule volunteers to help in the nursery, pre-school, elementary ages group, and youth group starting on Sunday mornings in September.
The CRE team. RE volunteers, church staff and I are planning for an all-ages program each of the Sundays during my sabbatical. Each Sunday will feature an all-ages activity led by an experienced volunteer and Fiona Higgins. During this time, Fiona will be taking on more administrative duties such as continuing the RE Weekly Update, supporting our volunteers and families and her hours will increase to reflect these added responsibilities. Rev. Jennifer will be supervising Fiona, Mariah and Cecelia until I return in August.
If you would like to help support our children and youth, please sign up to be an RE Volunteer HERE!
If you would like to know more about my upcoming sabbatical, please join me on Sunday March 9 at 10:20 a.m. in the Young Room for an informational meeting and discussion.
Grateful for the trust of community,
Rev. Kimberlee
Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson, Minister of Religious Education