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Personal & Spiritual Development

Watch Sunday Services Online and Share with Your Friends!

Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee

We know you all want to be in church on Sundays, to connect with and support your community, to feel the music in your blood, and to drink all that delicious coffee. But for those days when you cannot make it for some reason, you can now watch the service live as it is happening, or later on, watch a recorded version at any time. This is also a great way to watch a sermon that moved you a second time, or share it with those friends you wish had been with you in church!

You will see a posting on our First Church Facebook page with a link to YouTube for the livestream. Or, you can go directly to our YouTube channel for both the livestream and recorded versions of the Sunday Worship Associate Story and the Sermon.

These First Church videos are already getting attention! The top post on First Church’s Facebook page is Worship Associate Julia Oschwald’s story, “Hell in the Hallways” from January 27. The post reached 1,499 people and resulted in 236 clicks, 35 reactions/likes, 14 comments, and 7 shares.

Sharing the videos that moved you is one of the best ways to spread our message and reach people who might find a spiritual home at our church.

To view upcoming videos from Sunday services, visit our First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee Facebook page or YouTube channel. Or, you can visit our website and click the Facebook and YouTube icons in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

On Facebook, LIKE the page, and on YouTube, subscribe to the channel to get up-to-date information.


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