Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Over summer, I suspect that many of you, like me, eagerly anticipated an in-person Ingathering Sunday. However, as the Delta variant of the Covid[1]19 virus ran rampant through the world, our country, and Milwaukee County, my hopes for seeing you all face-to-face soon were dashed. I was sorely disappointed in the COVID incidence rates in Milwaukee County, and increasingly frustrated with fellow citizens who seemed to disregard pleas of public health officials to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

To address my feelings, I worked to get comfortable with ambiguity, as Reverend Jennifer mentioned in her September 19 sermon. I constantly remind myself that living in ambiguity is not easy and takes practice, reflection, and accepting the present moment, while recognizing that things WILL change.

I am thrilled that First Church is holding one outdoor service every month this fall. I attended the water ritual at South Shore Park on Ingathering Sunday, and found it inspirational and healing. It was wonderful to see so many of you. I encourage those who can, to engage in these outdoor gatherings.

Please remember that even though we’re not seeing each other as often as we did before the pandemic, the entire Board invites you to share concerns, issues, and questions with us, so we can represent you well as we help guide First Church.

Jane Cliff
Board of Trustees President

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