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Religious Education

Welcome to Religious Education 2024-25!   

We are excited to offer our religious education program for children and youth starting at Ingathering Sunday on September 8th! We encourage families to take advantage of our early registration discount of $25 and sign up today. Our program is designed to provide children with a safe and nurturing environment to explore their spirituality and learn about our UU values.

Register Here Now

All Religious Education programs for children over 5 years of age begin at 9:00 a.m. only during the first Sunday service. After our time together in the sanctuary, Children, Youth participants and RE Volunteers will depart for the RE programs, beginning in the Leenhouts Common Room and then moving to the lower level. The lower level offers two options for most Sundays, which are UU Play or UU Maker Space, until 10:15 a.m. Additionally, other options such as All Ages Sunday and special workshops will be available on some Sundays.

For children under the age of five, the Nursery and Preschool will be open from 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. during the first service, and from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. during the second service.

We plan to offer the OWL classes this year for 4-6th grade and 10-12 grade. Please indicate your family’s interest in these programs during registration. The Youth Group (ages 13-18) will meet throughout the year, the schedule to be determined.  Youth are always welcome to join the activities in All Ages, UU Play & UU Maker Space.

Registration cost for the entire year is $50 per child for church members, maximum cost is $100 per family for the year. If your family could use a full or partial fee waiver, please do not hesitate to contact Minister of Religious Education Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson. We never turn a family away!

Religious Education depends on volunteers sharing their wisdom, energy, and time with our children. We ask all families to contribute to the RE program by being one of the 8-13 people First Church needs each Sunday to create our RE program.

New RE volunteers can register HERE.

We look forward to seeing your children and continuing their faith development through our Religious Education program. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Kimberlee.


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