Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Theme circles are monthly small groups that deepen and support the spiritual journeys of participants in community with each other and in connection with the church’s monthly worship themes.

“The most valuable part of Theme Circles are the materials and the friendships. I found the material exceptional and have saved every theme since I first participated.” ~ Elizabeth Martorell

Prior to each meeting, participants engage in pre-reading and contemplation exercises based on that month’s worship theme. Theme packets are sent in advance which include Questions to Live With, Spiritual Exercises, readings, links to articles, music, podcasts and more.

Are you longing for meaning and connection? Explore the Theme Circle schedule, FAQ, and registration form here.

Registration opens September 1 and the deadline to register is September 25. Theme Circles begin meeting in October.

Rev. Dena McPhetres, Associate Minister

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