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Personal & Spiritual Development, Social Justice

A Special UUA General Assembly June 20-23

All-Virtual Format

Vote on UU Principles and Purposes

Business-only Registration with a Donation


In a world filled with division and challenges, this year’s General Assembly (GA) is a reminder of the principles that unite Unitarian Universalists.

The theme “Love Unites, Stories Ignite” celebrates the profound impact of love as a binding force and the power of stories to unite us.

Rev. Jennifer calls this GA a special one, to which First Church should send our full complement of 13 delegates. It is special because delegates will vote on new wording for our UU principles and purposes – what we say we exist to do and be. At last year’s GA, proposed revisions were hotly debated then approved tentatively. This year, a supermajority of delegates must approve proposed new wording. The final draft of the proposed revision to Article II of the UUA Bylaws is now available. The deadline for submitting an amendment is 11:59 p.m. Eastern on February 1, 2024.

This GA will also be special because delegates can register for “business-only” attendance and pay a free-will donation for registration. The full online registration fee for others (adults and youth) increases Feb. 29. For further information, contact Rev. Jennifer or Denominational Affairs Coordinator Bruce Wiggins and see the GA webpage:

Bruce Wiggins, Denominational Affairs Coordinator

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