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Personal & Spiritual Development, Religious Education

Blessings before a Meal – Ideas for UUs and Others

Beryl Aschenberg, Director of Religious Education

Grace for Unitarian Universalists.

By Beryl Aschenberg, Director of Religious Education.

As Thanksgiving approaches, UU families often consider blessings that might be said before a meal. Here are a few of my favorites, including some from the Children’s Religious Education team:


“For the food before us,
the family (and friends) beside us,
and the love that surrounds us,
we are truly grateful.”
– excerpt from Sarah Richards’ family grace.


“O Great Spirit –
In the future, as in the past,
Grant us abundance.”


“Earth, who gives to us this food,
Sun, who makes it ripe and good.
Dear Earth, dear Sun, by you we live,
To you our loving thanks we give.”


“For food in a world where many walk in hunger,
For faith in a world where many walk in fear,
For friends in a world where many walk alone,
We give thanks.”
– excerpt from Kevin Driscoll’s family grace

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