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Social Justice

Confronting the Challenges of Plastic

First Church Earth Justice Ministry is a coalition member of Plastic-Free MKE. We invite you to join us in 2023 as we empower ourselves to make a difference! Here’s a brief report of what we/they have been up to in 2022:

  • H2O Refill program managed to prevent 2,320 single-use water bottles from being used and discarded at a total of 25 community events.
  • Volunteers clocked 260 hours.
  • Five webinars increased the public’s overall awareness and sense of community.
  • Sherman Park is our first official Lake Friendly Neighborhood.
  • Lake Friendly Businesses have also continued to do their part in reducing single-use plastics all across Milwaukee.
  • Green Schools Consortium of Milwaukee hosted the first ever Lake Friendly Conference this year.

EJM will be hosting an informational Plastic-Free MKE presentation at Sunday Forum in 2023. Meanwhile, for more information go to: https://www.plasticfreemke.org

Barbara Leigh, Co-chair Earth Justice Ministry

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