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Forge Our Future

Endowment Fund Task Force Update

With summer vacations receding into distant memories and Reverend Jennifer’s welcome return, the Endowment Fund Task Force (EFTF) is ramping up its activities. The task force met with Reverend Jennifer to bring her up to speed and get some initial feedback. As a result of that conversation, the team will revisit the trust fund agreement with our retained trust lawyer to strengthen current, and insert new, checks and balances features of governance. Once that is completed, we will present a draft to the Board of Trustees in October for discussion and feedback.

Proper checks and balances are important to ensure that the endowment is managed in a responsible manner for the purposes for which it is intended. This will help us meet one of our primary objectives – the protection of principal.

The team continues to evaluate investment manager alternatives. We have narrowed it down from four to three, with further evaluation taking place as new facts come to light.

By Ron Oshima, EFTF member

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