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Welcoming Peoples’ Wholeness
September 24, 2023 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Today’s Topic
Join us in welcoming pulpit guest Rev. Nontombi Naomi Tutu, Episcopal priest and daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Rev. Tutu grew up in South Africa and has divided her adult life between the United States and South Africa. After years working as a development consultant, and race and gender activist, she finally accepted her call to ministry. Currently serving All Saint’s Episcopal church in Atlanta, Rev. Tutu writes about this service,
“Both Jonah and the workers who worked all day want God to judge based on their perception of what is fair. Luckily for all of us that is not who God is. Our God is one whose main characteristic is generosity. A God who gives us not simply a second chance, but 100th or even a 1000th chance.” Join us for this exciting worship service where we welcome Rev. Tutu, and explore the generosity of the Holy.
Join us Saturday, September 23 when Rev. Tutu will be our Morter Lecture speaker. Find details here.
Worship Team:
Rev. Nontombi Naomi Tutu, Pulpit Guest
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister
Alissa Rhode, Lead Music Director
Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson, Minister of Religious Education
Livestream at 9:00 am:
Join us for the complete service live on our YouTube site at 9:00 am. Find a recording of the service at our YouTube site anytime after 9:00 am.
Social Hour: Join us for coffee or tea in the Leenhouts Common Room after service to meet friends, old and new.
We offer religious education for children of all ages on Sundays. To learn more, please see our Religious Education Web Pages and sign up to receive our RE Weekly Update.
Parking: Our church has no parking lot. Jewish Family Services lot: JFS welcomes us to use their parking lot on Sundays. It is located 3 blocks west of the church, on Van Buren near Knapp St. Kingshead lot: On Sundays we can also use the gated parking lot on the corner of Van Buren and Knapp Streets. After you park, get a token from an usher in order to exit the lot. We also rely on street parking in our neighborhood. Here is a map with details.
First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee is a progressive church for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom. Visitors to First Church are always welcome!