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Social Justice, Personal & Spiritual Development

Exciting New Initiative: Trans & Queer for UU!

Dear First Church Family,

We are thrilled to announce the formation of a groundbreaking committee at our church: Trans & Queer for UU (T&Q for U&U). Our mission is clear and vital: to lead cultural and systemic change at First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, ensuring that our spiritual community is one where trans and queer individuals fully belong and thrive.

Our mission statement drives our passion: “We’re shifting First Church culture so that people of all identities thrive when queer and trans people are at the center of our congregational life.”

Why is this so important? Imagine a First Church where every member, regardless of identity, feels an unshakable sense of belonging. When we center the experiences and needs of trans and queer people, we create a ripple effect of inclusivity, compassion, and unity that benefits everyone. This is about supporting a marginalized group, and it’s also about enriching our entire community, making our congregation stronger, more vibrant, and more full of love.

Our committee is committed to making this vision a reality, but we can’t do it alone. We need your enthusiasm, your energy, and your commitment to justice and inclusivity. Whether it’s through participating in our events, sharing your ideas, or simply spreading the word, your involvement is crucial.

Together, we can create a church where everyone feels at home, where every voice is heard, and where every person is valued. This is our moment to shine, to lead, and to make a lasting impact. Let’s embrace this change with open hearts and minds and make our congregation a beacon of hope and love. Sign up at the RE Table in the Common Room or reach out to Susie Seidelman.

Join us in this exciting journey. Together, we will make the irresistible momentum of queer and trans belonging a reality at First Church.

With enthusiasm and gratitude,

The Trans & Queer for UU Committee

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