Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Guest House Meal

Learn. Act. Reflect. (Repeat)

Social action is the lifeblood of our church. Members express their hope for the world by engaging in justice work in Milwaukee. Our Social Justice Council coordinates environmental programs, guest house shelter meals, Black Lives Matter education and action, work on immigration issues, and important collaboration with other influential faith-based Milwaukee organizations.

Social justice groups and activities are open to all. Let’s work together to grow our souls and help heal the world.

Feel free to join our Social Justice Yahoo group!

Find a Social Justice Group (or two) that's right for you!

Click Here for More Information on All Groups

First Church Groups

First Church sponsors the following program initiatives, ministries, and action groups that work on social justice causes with church members and in the greater Milwaukee community.

Black Lives Matter to Wis. UUs

First Church collaborates with other Wisconsin UU congregations to share resources and encourage Unitarian Universalists to become involved in local, regional and national efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement, a response to a legacy of slavery, racism, and oppression in the U.S.

Defend Democracy

This group nurtures and protects our democracy by specific actions, in collaboration with allies, to strengthen and protect voting rights and to achieve fair maps in Wisconsin, as well as creating programs and structures to provide education and experience.

Earth Justice Ministry

Our Earth Justice Ministry provides information to members and friends and offers opportunities for action to help ensure a livable future for our planet Earth, tackling issues of climate change and more

Share the Plate

This ministry oversees this program that shares 50% of all non-pledge cash in the weekly Sunday offering plate with worthy non-profit organizations.

UU Principles in the 21st Century

A group of members that work to learn about the UUA Article II initiative and what the Study Commission is doing, and communicate with our members about what this means and why it matters to our congregation. See this article for more information and 2022 activities.

Wis. UU Statewide Action Network (WUUSAN)

WUUSAN joins together and enhances the energy of all 27 Wisconsin UU congregations, fellowships, and their allies to build strong relationships with our allies, and thereby continue to uphold the dignity and worth of every person.

Collaboration with Faith-Based Organizations

First Church collaborates with the following organizations to support their work and increase overall impact:

Common Ground

First Church members are active in Common Ground, a non-partisan organization of small businesses, congregations, non-profits, colleges, and labor unions. Together, we focus on a number of major issues to improve social conditions in Milwaukee and teach volunteers the basics of organizing.

For more information, contact Jerry Fredrickson .

Interchange Food Pantry

Since its inception in 1971, First Church has supported the Interchange Food Pantry (IFP), a nonprofit that feeds Milwaukee’s hungry with kindness and respect by providing groceries (especially fresh fruits and vegetables) for well-balanced meals.  IFP’s doors have remained open throughout the pandemic, serving 150% more families and individuals struggling with food insecurity.  Your financial support and volunteerism will have a profound impact on sustaining IPS’s mission: Improve the health and well-being of our guests through nutritious food and compassion.

For more information about how to get involved, contact Beth Bruch or Tim Ottman.

Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee

Founded in 1970, Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee is a nonprofit organization through which the regional leaders and adherents of 22 faiths and denominations: dialogue to build relationships; counter hate and fear with programming that fosters understanding, tolerance, and friendship; and work together on social issues to help create a better society for everyone. We meet to make friends, educate ourselves and others, and work together for social justice. Interfaith supports the CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Walk, Amazing Faith Dinners, Ground for Hope-Wisconsin, Interfaith Annual Luncheon, Interfaith Day at Miller Park, March Speaker Series and more.

For more information, contact Patricia McFarland.

MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope)

Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH) is a multi-faith social justice organizing group. We work on major issues to improve the lives of people in Milwaukee, including:

  • Treatment Alternative and Diversion away from poverty-based jailing and discriminatory “mass incarceration”
  • Jobs and Economic Development to enforce minority hiring promises and demand community-enhancing land use and development policy.
  • Immigration Task Force for policies affecting immigrant communities including the DREAM Act, resisting discriminatory law enforcement policies, and “Hands Across the Viaduct” cooperation campaign.
  • Education, working with MPS to explore the Community Schools model.

For more information, contact Bob Monahan or Pat McFarland .