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Social Justice

Guest House Meal Changes by Nancy Pajewski

Our church will be supplying 7 meals at the Guest House in 2016 instead of the usual 5 or 6. This is a result of greater need at the Guest House, as several organizations have stopped bringing meals. Our 2016 dates—all Saturday nights—are February 20, April 16, June 18, July 16, September 17, October 29, and December 17.

We are trying an experiment for the February 20 meal to make it easier to sign up to donate food. We will continue to have a sign up sheet at the Social Justice Table and will add online sign up through Sign Up Genius. Watch for the link in your enouncements closer to the meal date.

Coordinating a Guest House meal is a satisfying way to practice social justice. You select the menu, monitor sign ups, then enjoy actually serving the meal to a packed room of grateful men. We are always looking for an individual, couple, or group of friends to volunteer to be in charge of a single meal.

You will have plenty of support from our crew of regular Guest House supporters. Contact Nancy Pajewski.




First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee  is a home for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom, active in Milwaukee since 1842. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive denomination; core principles include recognition of the worth and dignity of every person; respect for the interdependent web of existence; and the goal of world peace, liberty and justice.

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