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Personal & Spiritual Development

Invitation to Explore Your Inner Geography

Returning in October 2022, A Geography of Grace invites you to explore your inner geography, to listen for your inner Teacher, and hear the wisdom of your own spirit.

Just as many of us are removed from contact with the natural world through urban living or busy lives, we also live distanced from our inner nature. These two landscapes have much in common and inform each other. The natural world desperately needs people who appreciate it, have reverence for it, listen to it, preserve, and restore it. With the same urgency, our inner lives need this kind of attunement and nurturance.

Explore this approach. We will offer a session to explore the circle of trust approach on Sunday, September 18 at 12:15 in Max Otto Hall.


The full sessions are on the third Saturday of each month, starting on October 15 through May 20, in Max Otto Hall. Each session is 2.5 hours, from 10:30 to 1:00.  Registration is open until October 12.

For questions, reach out to Diane or Amy. Come explore your inner landscape with us.

Register here:  https://bit.ly/UUGeographyofGrace

Amy Wilbourne and Diane Horne, Facilitators of Geography of Grace

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