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Social Justice

Mke Center for Children & Youth – STP for March

Every spring, our Religious Education Program youth members choose an organization to receive Share the Plate donations. The Milwaukee Center for Children and Youth (MCCY) is our March Share the Plate recipient. Their mission is to “End the suffering of abused children in Milwaukee County through comprehensive advocacy, education, and supportive services that heal trauma, build resilience, nurture the ability to thrive, and create a path toward eradicating the epidemic of child abuse in our community.”

Milwaukee Center for Children and Youth was founded in 2011 with the specific goal to design programs that address gaps in services for abused children and youth in Milwaukee. With programs such as Terrific Tuesdays/Wonderful Wednesdays, Individual Advocacy,  Healthy Relationships, Parent Education, Child and Family Advocacy, Seeking Safety and Virtual Book Club, MCCY has offered supportive services for all age groups. The youth group at First Church has been donating art supplies regularly to this organization to support the creative and art based groups that foster learning, creativity and resiliency.

To learn more about this organization and to make a monetary donation to the Milwaukee Center for Children and Youth, please see their website at:  https://www.mccy.org.

See this web page for information about our Share the Plate Program.

Dawn Blackmore, Share the Plate Team

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