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Personal & Spiritual Development

Oct. 2016 Membership Moments: Joining First Church

By Cheri Taylor, Membership Development Coordinator


When you decide to join First Church, it will be a big moment for you and for us. We have a responsibility to see that you are made welcome and that you find a place in our midst where you can make friends and continue your spiritual journey. In return, we ask that you make an effort to become involved in the church in ways that are meaningful for you. As a member of First Church, we ask that you make a commitment to doing the following:

  • Attend Sunday Services
  • Find a small group here that feeds your soul
  • Join in the work of a committee or team of your choosing
  • Support the church as you are able with your financial gifts

Our formal membership process is that you complete the Journey to Membership series. Once you have completed the series you will be invited to sign the membership book and participate in the New Member Ceremony. From that point forward we will work hard to embrace you and support you as a new member of our wonderful community.

To learn more about our membership process and the meaning of membership, we invite you to participate in our upcoming Journey to Membership series, beginning Wednesday, October 12 at 6:00 p.m. The series consists of 4 Wednesday evening workshops at First Church. The cost of the program is $15 per person, and it includes dinner on nights 1 and 4, and childcare is available. For more information, please contact our Membership Development Coordinator, Cheri Taylor (cheri.taylor@uumilwaukee.org), or visit our Journey to Membership webpage (https://uumilwaukee.org/get-involved/journey-to-membership/)


First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee  is a home for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom, active in Milwaukee since 1842. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive denomination; core principles include recognition of the worth and dignity of every person; respect for the interdependent web of existence; and the goal of world peace, liberty and justice.

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