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Religious Education

Oct. 2016 Religious Education News

The first Sunday of each month will be a time for our young people in K5-Eighth grades (though not “OWL” participants) to get to know each other in multi-age groups and work on developing their faith as UUs in ways outside their normal class curriculum. We’ll have older kids and younger kids exploring how to be together as they deepen their understanding to our faith and “big ideas” such as community, compassion, appreciation, and justice. Parents, I encourage you to make First Sunday a priority for your family!


In many religious traditions, people will bless their house of worship, often when it is first built, or sometimes when the year begins. On this first “First Sunday” of the year, the children will split into small groups and together write blessings for First Unitarian Society. Later, they’ll visit various rooms and spaces, recite their blessings, and blow bubbles to sanctify their hopes for our community!


If there were a fire or other emergency on a Sunday morning at First Church, would we be able to evacuate the building in a safe and timely manner, and then account for everyone? We have safety procedures for emergency evacuations, and it is important for us to practice these once in a while so that in the event of an actual emergency, we will all know what to do. So on Sunday, October 16, we will be holding an all-church Fire Drill near the end of each service. Parents and guardians – please talk to your children about the drill so that they know what to expect, and if it is chilly, make certain that coats are available in the classroom on this day. It is important that parents and other adults do NOT go downstairs to get children, as that will block their exits! This is a problem every year, so please make a note of it. You can meet your child’s class in front of the row houses on Ogden (“Abbott Row,” to the east of First Church). Anyone who has difficulty walking, or with stairs, will be assisted by the ushers.

After the drill, please do join us for Coffee, the Forum, Teacher Chat, and other programs as scheduled after the services. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping First Church a safe place for our whole community.


The first RE Teacher Chat of the year will be held after the second service Sunday, October 16. We ask that ALL people who are teaching in our Sunday school program attend this meeting. Not only will they enjoy a lovely brunch, but they will be able to get updates on our upcoming events, and talk with their teams of teachers about classroom specific ideas and situations. Class assistants are also welcome — please let us know if you would like to attend so that we can adjust our food portions and supplies. Childcare is available with reservation to RE.admin@uumilwaukee.org by October 9.

If you would like to contribute a brunch item to this event, or would be willing to help with set-up (at 9:30 a.m.) or clean-up (at 11:00 p.m.) please sign up at the RE Table on Sunday, or contact DRE Beryl Aschenberg, to offer your help. Beryl can be reached at church at 414-273-5257 ext. 130 or beryl@uumilwaukee.org.


OH BABY! OUR BABIES NEED A CUDDLER ONCE A MONTH AT 11:00 a.m.Can you give our littlest UUs 75 minutes of your time just 8-9 times in the next eight months? We are seeking one more youth or adult volunteer in the Nursery this year. Please contact our DRE, Beryl Aschenberg, at beryl@uumilwaukee.org to explore the possibilities of this important, yet thoroughly enjoyable, work!



First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee  is a home for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom, active in Milwaukee since 1842. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive denomination; core principles include recognition of the worth and dignity of every person; respect for the interdependent web of existence; and the goal of world peace, liberty and justice.

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