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Social Justice, Personal & Spiritual Development

Share The Plate – Believe in Students FAST Fund

by Dawn Blackmore.

“Believe in Students FAST Fund” is our November Share the Plate recipient. This is a fund to provide rapid support to Milwaukee Area Technical College students experiencing economic emergencies so they can overcome financial challenges, remain enrolled, and achieve academic success.

100% of the funds collected are spent on direct services. Local 212, the MATC faculty union, provides office space, equipment, and administrative support. The staff of the FAST Fund is composed of retired MATC faculty volunteers.

Cash collected in the plate will be shared 50/50 between the FAST Fund and First Church. To
donate only to FAST Fund, please write a check to: Believe in Students Inc., and we will mail it for you. Parents and guardians, please talk with your children about how even small donations help. More information can be found at www.local212.org/believe-in-students-fast-fund.


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