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Personal & Spiritual Development

Starr King School for Ministry – February STP

Starr King School for the Ministry is our February Share the Plate recipient. Operating as a school for the ministry since 1904, Starr King’s mission is “to educate people for Unitarian Universalist ministry and for progressive religious leadership in society.” Star King School’s distinctive educational approach is rooted in the UU values of countering oppressions, cultivating multi-religious life and learning and creating just and sustainable communities.

Starr King School for the Ministry is located in Berkeley, California and emphasizes student-centered, holistic learning that cultivates habits for successful ministry and effective religious leadership.  It offers the following programs of study:

  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Master of Arts in Social Change (MASC)
  • Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • Chaplaincy Institute Joint Program
  • Interfaith Chaplaincy and Ministry Certificate
  • Interfaith Spiritual Direction Certificate
  • Graduate Certificate in Multi-Religious Studies
  • Graduate Certificate in Unitarian Universalist Studies

By investing as a congregation in UU theological education, we support students who minister within our tradition and beyond.  We also help sustain our UU institutions that serve both as repositories for our UU traditions and as incubators for our future as a faith movement. To give a donation directly to Starr King School please visit https://www.sksm.edu/about/giving/


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