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Personal & Spiritual Development

Why You Should Take the Time to Reflect on First Church

By Cheri Taylor, Membership Development Coordinator

By now, you’ve received one mailing, at least five emails, one sermon, and maybe one quick conversation from a Stewardship Committee member asking “Hey did you sign up for a Stewardship event yet”?  If you’ve been a member or pledging friend of First Church for more than one year, you know that this year’s stewardship process is a little different.  Yes, we traded the large all-congregation event for small and large group events in members’ homes and in the church!  Yes,  we are using appreciative inquiry process in these events!   Orchestrating ten small to mid-size donor events takes more effort than planning one large donor event, but I have faith it will be successful in deepening personal relationships and networks within the congregation, while creating more opportunities to support the place we love.   Your stewardship team believes this trade-off is worth the hard work of the numerous members volunteering as hosts and facilitators. This campaign is our chance to change lives, and participating in one of these events is a chance to express commitment to the congregation on many levels, including financial.

Why are we really pushing people to participate in these small group reflections?  The appreciative inquiry process is helping us shift our culture around stewardship.  The pledge drive isn’t simply about asking you for more money- it’s about asking you for a commitment to support our vision- Nurture the Spirit, Engage the Mind, Inspire Action!   Below you will find ten reasons why you should participate in this process.  I am asking, if you can find at least one that resonates with you and your commitment to First Church, book yourself a date to reflect with your Stewardship Team!

1.    It’s invitation to support something you love and care for.
2.    It’s all about relationship building within the congregation.
3.    Creates an opportunity to share your hopes, visions, and dreams for First Church.
4.    Allows opportunity for questions, answers and feedback about First Church.
5.    Creates an informal, confidential setting for frank and transformative dialogue.
6.    It’s quick and easy (really)!
7.    It’s cost effective.
8.    Helps our congregation to realistically discuss future plans, mission, generosity, money and giving.
9.    Produces a high level of commitment.  People give to people- not pledge mailings!
10.    Asks everyone to take their own level of responsibility for the church’s well-being and support.
So please, come tell your story, share your passion for our mission and how it changes lives and specifically your life.  Or simply listen to others tell their story about something they love about this congregation.   Whatever you choose, we hope you do it with an open heart and mind.


Be Well,

Want more info? Get the scoop at the links below!

Pledge Drive FAQ

Plan to Attend One of Our Pledge Drive EVENTS.

Submit Your Pledge Online Here HERE or Download a PLEDGE CARD and Return it to Membership Development Coordinator Cheri Taylor. 

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