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Personal & Spiritual Development, Holiday

The Winter Holidays and “Awe-robics”

Blue Candles

The winter holidays are a mixed bag: stressful, sad, lonely, yet also magical with moments of love and forgiveness that are awe-inspiring.

If you are looking for a moment of respite amidst the clamor of the season, please join us for our Blue Christmas Vespers service Wednesday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. We will gather in the beauty of our sanctuary for readings, candles, silence and music.

It’s a good place to be for anyone feeling out-of-sync with the forced cheerfulness of the holidays.

In December, we can go about our daily lives and wait to be awestruck. Or we can open our awareness to the possibility of feeling awe at being alive and part of something so much bigger than ourselves.

Lily Tomlin calls this practice “awe-robics” in her one-woman play, Searching for Intelligent Signs in the Universe.

On the way to the play we stopped to look at the stars. And as usual I felt in awe. And then I felt even deeper in awe at this capacity we have to be in awe about something.

Then I became even more awestruck at the thought that I was, in some small way, a part of that which I was in awe about. And this feeling went on and on.

My space chums got a word for it: “awe infinitum.” ‘Cause at the moment you are most in awe of all you don’t understand, you’re closer to understanding it all then at any other time. And I felt so good inside, my heart felt so full, I decided to set time aside each day to do “awe-robics.”

~Lily Tomlin as “Trudy the Bag Lady”

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