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Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee

What does it mean to be a people of awe? As we enter the winter holiday season, heading towards the longest night of the year, we are invited into reflection as a religious community. There is an instinct to slow down now, keep warm, and huddle around a light, a fire, a flame. Lights begin twinkling in windows, snowflakes fall on eyelashes, and in the deep night, one might feel the whisper of awe.

Awe invites us into mystery, into a profound connection with something larger than ourselves. In a starlit night, the deep invites us to quiet, and listen to the cosmos. If you slow your breathing, what beckons you? If you stare into the flame, what do you see? What brings you to awe, and what meets you there?

Even as this holiday season might bustle with busyness, I hope your heart finds time for stillness and mystery. The call of the dark and deep brings its own gifts, more powerful than any wrapped package. May you find the time and space to receive the connection of awe this month.

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