Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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What does it mean to be a people of commitment?

At First Church, I have noticed our folks take commitments quite seriously. Many require a period of discernment before taking on something new. Then, if the answer is “yes,” our folks work hard to live out their commitments and communicate early and clearly if a withdrawal must be made. This is an honorable approach to living commitments deeply.

Another honorable approach is to be in regular discernment about all of one’s commitments: what is working? What is not? Where do my values and priorities lie today? How can I align my resources, be they time, energy, or money, with my life’s values and priorities?

This month, as we consider what it means to be a people of commitment, I invite you to live into your values—either by holding steadfast to the commitments you have made or by reviewing them in light of your current priorities. Stay in communication with those to whom you have made commitments, and keep your resources aligned tightly with your values.

We hope you will prioritize First Church in your annual giving and make a financial commitment to your spiritual community this pledge season. Financial pledges, commitments to the church about what resources you intend to give to the church over the course of the 2021–22 year, are how we make our budget. The members of our

congregation who are leading the work to gather financial commitments have set a goal of 100% participation from our members and friends, and we hope you will help them achieve that goal.

As you discern your financial commitment, consider that it currently costs about $1,625 per member to produce church—including worship, music, programs for children, youth and adults, building costs, and administration. We encourage equitable contributions, knowing our members have different financial capacities. Some members are generously contributing significantly more than our per person production cost, which balances the budget with members and friends who need to contribute less. We enthusiastically welcome you at whatever financial level makes sense for you and hope you will choose to make a commitment to your spiritual community in this year’s pledge drive, so we can plan our budget for the 2021–22 church year!

Sending love to you,

Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister


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