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Religious Education, Social Justice

Finding a Way Forward for Helping Hands

Lunch Pack & Love March 22.

In this past year, we have witnessed people embody a commitment to serve, to get up when feeling broken, to continue when even when all one can think of is rest. Living through our grief, yet still finding a way to smile as we find our way through unruly times. Grounded in perseverance and a dogged belief in our future, we have counted our blessings and then done the next right thing and over and over again, finding a way forward, even when we do not have a map.

Our dogged perseverance coupled with our belief in love, community, and relationship has been our guidepost to connect, to heal, and build a better future. What we believe matters, what we think, and how we see the world directly translates into how we move through the world and what actions we take.

Each Sunday in religious education, we light our virtual chalice to the words, “We are the church of the helping hands.” Last year, we were so excited to make over 400 sandwiches with those helping hands for people experiencing food insecurity in our community. This year it was hard to imagine being able to do that again when we are struggling with the realities of safety and service. Yet, we have again found a way forward.

By partnering with community organizations there is still a way to be “helping hands,” to serve and find purpose in our beliefs, grounded in action. We are called to help those in need and so we find a way to do the next right thing. This month, I hope you will consider participating in the Lunch Pack & Love social justice opportunity.

Making lunches is a direct way you can feed people in our community. We believe that together we can and do make a difference, one meal a time, living into service, and knowing that taking action is building a better future. I hope you will join me this month and commit to Lunch Pack & Love.

More details when you register to be a First Church LUNCH, PACK & LOVE Volunteer at

In faith,

Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson, Minister of Religious Education

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