Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

The first Sunday of each month is a time for our young people in K5-Eighth grades to get to know each other in multiage community, and work on developing their faith as UUs in ways outside their normal class curriculum. We’ll have older kids and younger kids exploring how to be together as they deepen their understanding to our faith and “big ideas” such as community, kindness, appreciation, and justice. Parents, I encourage you to make First Sunday a priority for your family! Here’s what is in store for this month:

November 6 – HOMELESSNESS AND ACTION: This day will be a lesson in compassion as children consider homelessness in Milwaukee and the concept of “invisible” people. Our First Sunday activity will include assembling and selling “Good Neighbor Bags” of useful items to give to people in need.

Good Neighbor Bags will be available in the Common Room from November 6-29 (or until we run out). If you have ever been stopped short by a person standing with a sign saying “Homeless and Hungry”, you’ll appreciate the messages of these bags — “We see you, and we care” We are asking for $1.00-$2.00 to help offset the cost of making these bags.

If you would like to donate any of the following items on or before Wednesday, November 2, we would appreciate your assistance:

  • Granola bars
  • Tube socks
  • Pocket size tissue packs
  • Individual bottles of water


First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee  is a home for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom, active in Milwaukee since 1842. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive denomination; core principles include recognition of the worth and dignity of every person; respect for the interdependent web of existence; and the goal of world peace, liberty and justice.

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