Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

By Beryl Aschenberg, Director of Religious Education

I remember my first visit to a Unitarian Universalist church. Just taking the step to walk into a “church” felt courageous to me. I had grown up Jewish, married a Catholic, and felt like an agnostic. I wanted my children to have the opportunity to experience the richness that participation in a faith community can offer but not the indoctrination that I was afraid would come with it. I wanted to find a community that would support my values and encourage my spiritual growth, but having been to a few churches with friends, I knew I wouldn’t feel comfortable in a Christian church. And I wanted so much to feel comfortable!

Luckily, I had done some homework, and as you know from my position at First Church, the UU faith was the right one for me. Looking back, I believe that growing up as Unitarian Universalists helped my children become the incredible human beings that they are today: appreciative of diversity, compassionate in their interactions, passionate about human rights, thoughtful about their choices, and mindful about how they walk in this world.

Unitarian Universalism can have a deep impact on our children and youth.  As your family ponders your various schedules this year, please consider keeping Sunday mornings sacred: commit to bringing yourselves and your children to church on most Sundays. Faith development does not happen in a vacuum. Our children need the camaraderie and support of this community as they develop their faith. I invite your family to come in fully to the beloved community. We have important work to do: ideas to explore, celebrations to engage in, and love to share!

In faith, with love,

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