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Religious Education

You are Going to Love Religious Education Volunteering!

By Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson,Director of Religious Education.

This new year we are making some changes in Religious Education (RE) and we could use some extra hands. Currently, our elementary class has children from first through fourth grade. This large age range is not ideal for our children or teachers, and we need you to help change this to more appropriate age ranges.

Starting in January, class topics will be based on the church’s monthly worship themes, including integrity, resilience, and wisdom. Each week that you teach or assist, you will be provided with an engaging lesson plan, laid out clearly and simply to make it very easy for you to use. On any given week, your class might tell stories, play games, engage in discussion, or do a science or craft project.

This new RE lesson format has been well received as it makes volunteering in RE simple and straight forward. Whether you are a brand new or returning volunteer, please consider signing up today!

Most of our volunteers are in the classroom about one Sunday a month. You are always welcomed to sign up for more days if you’re interested, or fewer if that’s what works for your schedule. We welcome your help in whatever time you have available!

To sign up, please contact RE Admin Lillian Schley at RE.Admin@uumilwaukee.org or at 414-273-5257 ext. 210

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