Category: Personal & Spiritual Development

Sanctuary Re-Entry Ritual

Personal & Spiritual Development

Returning to in-person worship in March will be a sacred and emotional experience. We invite your intentionality in this moment,… More >

Widen the Circle of Love

Personal & Spiritual Development, Religious Education

At first, I attended church the way you might visit Urgent Care. When my heart ached, my spirit was tangled… More >

Soon, and Very Soon

Personal & Spiritual Development

It was only a plan, but a plan we counted on, to be able to open for in-person Sunday worship… More >

A “To-Be” List instead of “To-Do” List

Personal & Spiritual Development

“Living with Intention” is our theme for January. Not living with intentions plural, which we do all the time, often… More >

Intention During Pandemic – Opening Plans

COVID-19, Personal & Spiritual Development

What does it mean to live with intention? In January of 2022, the question feels like a Zen Buddhist koan,… More >

Joy: Resistance Against Despair

Personal & Spiritual Development

When asked, “What is joy?” Rev. Willie James Jennings of Duke Divinity School responds, “I look at joy as an… More >

Giving Tuesday & Joy

Membership, Personal & Spiritual Development

First Church will be participating in Giving Tuesday this year to help fund virtual access to our programs even when… More >

Behold Your Joy

Personal & Spiritual Development

It doesn’t seem like joy should be complicated, but sometimes it is. Opening to joy, our theme for December, indicates… More >

Share the Plate November–Law Forward

Personal & Spiritual Development

Law Forward Inc. is our November Share the Plate partner. Law Forward is a nonpartisan, nonprofit impact litigation firm committed… More >

Is a QCD for Me?

Membership, Personal & Spiritual Development

As we look to the end of 2021 (and hopefully a sense of normalcy), many of us start thinking about… More >

Choosing Your Ancestor Teachers

Personal & Spiritual Development

And here’s a young girl On a kind of a telephone line through time And the voice at the other… More >

Holding Family History

Personal & Spiritual Development

Late in his life, my father played a cassette tape for me in which he interviewed his mother about the… More >

Holding History Joys & Challenges

Personal & Spiritual Development

What are the joys and challenges of holding history? History has many gifts to offer us. It can bring data,… More >

Open Sanctuary at First Church

Personal & Spiritual Development

In November, First Church will have Open Sanctuary hours for anyone who wants to intentionally re-enter our community’s sacred space…. More >

Welcome from Our Board President

Communications, Personal & Spiritual Development

Over summer, I suspect that many of you, like me, eagerly anticipated an in-person Ingathering Sunday. However, as the Delta… More >

Pledges Support Our Mission

Personal & Spiritual Development

The new church year has started with strong support of our congregation’s mission and goals through your pledge payments. Please… More >