Category: Personal & Spiritual Development

Nurture the Soul Midweek

Membership, Personal & Spiritual Development

Dealing with change in the world is hard, but from my perspective changing one’s own behavior is harder. Some several… More >

Constancy of Change

Personal & Spiritual Development, Religious Education

There is something about the human soul that longs to be settled and stirred. This simultaneity is expressed in our… More >

How Do You Feel About Change?

Personal & Spiritual Development

Change might be exciting or nerve-wracking, but it is inevitable. According to the Buddha, impermanence is one of the three… More >

Rev. Jennifer 2.0 

Membership, Personal & Spiritual Development

Alert. Your Senior Minister will be updating her operating system in 2023.  Do not turn off your congregation.    In… More >

Whither our UU Principles?

Personal & Spiritual Development

What do we as UUs believe, and what does our church stand for? How do we want to see those… More >

Social Courage in our Community 

Personal & Spiritual Development

A First Church visitor walked into a church for the first time in her life last Sunday all by herself,… More >

Courage to Teach

Personal & Spiritual Development

Courage is so often claimed by bold and heroic acts, but as a young teacher it was Parker Palmer who… More >

Supporting One Another with Courage & Joy

Personal & Spiritual Development

I’m excited about Rev. Jennifer’s upcoming sabbatical. It is a sign of a congregation’s robust health to support their ministers’… More >

Courage to Defend Democracy & Grow Church Vitality

Personal & Spiritual Development

Courage is calling to us this October, as we gear up to Defend Democracy in Wisconsin, and to kick-off our… More >

Journalism, You, and the Future of Truth Seeking

Personal & Spiritual Development, Social Justice

As a longtime journalist, Dave Umhoefer offered tips while in the pulpit this summer for dealing with disinformation – and… More >

Invitation to Explore Your Inner Geography

Personal & Spiritual Development

Returning in October 2022, A Geography of Grace invites you to explore your inner geography, to listen for your inner… More >

Belonging Takes Living into Relationship

Personal & Spiritual Development

I lived in the Pacific Northwest for one year. Everything was so big out there: the trees were so tall,… More >

Belonging & Learning in the Sanctuary

Personal & Spiritual Development, Religious Education

Can you recall being in a church sanctuary as a child? I remember sitting in a fluffy pink yet scratchy… More >

What Are Theme Circles?

Personal & Spiritual Development

Theme circles are monthly small groups that deepen and support the spiritual journeys of participants in community with each other… More >

Forging Our Future & Sabbatical

Personal & Spiritual Development

We are in for an exciting and dynamic church year, dear ones! This fall, we are Forging our Future together… More >

Geography of Grace: An invitation to explore your inner geography

Personal & Spiritual Development

Geography of Grace is an adult spiritual development offering which invites you to explore your inner geography, to listen for… More >